Monday, July 12, 2010

Momentum Monday-Week 1

It's been 6 days since I started on the path to weight loss. Every time I start Weight Watchers (and sadly, I've started it a few times), I am reminded of how (relatively) easy it is to stick to and be successful with. You can customize it to fit your lifestyle and your personal food preferences. I am a TERRIBLY picky eater, and joining any sort of diet that pre-makes my food for me would not only be cost-prohibitive, but I probably wouldn't like most of what they made for me. Weight Watchers makes sure I eat lean proteins, whole grains and fruits & veggies, but I get to choose which ones.

Which brings me to today. My first weigh in! I woke up this morning very excited to jump on the scale. Seriously. The first week of weigh in is usually a huge encouragement. You start seeing the pounds drop off the scale and it makes you want to see more. Not only that, but the first week is usually a big initial drop of weight, because you drop a bunch of the water weight your body has been holding onto because of all the (likely) processed foods (therefore...sodium!!) you've been eating. This has been my experience in the past. Today did not follow that trend. Don't get me wrong. I lost weight, and I'm glad for that. I didn't lose as much as I expected to, and that's a little disappointing. In fact, when I finally did step on the scale, I was so bummed I almost didn't want to blog. I kept trying to think of excuses to not blog today. But I'd made a commitment and what good is accountability if you avoid it?? So I'm blogging, just like I said I would.

So....without further ado.......this week's loss was (drum roll please...): 1.6 lbs!!!
Total weight lost so far: 1.6 lbs!!!

I have some legitimate reasons for why my weight loss was less than expected. I wasn't going to post them on here because I didn't want to sound like I was making excuses, but then I decided that it might be important. I want to be an encouragement to anyone reading this blog that weight loss is possible, and that Weight Watchers is a great program. So here are some reasons (NOT excuses) as to why my weight loss was less than expected:
-It's only been 6 days, as opposed to the usual week between weigh ins. This is because I started on Tuesday last week because of the holiday weekend.
-I am still retaining water. For a reason totally unrelated to the food I've eaten. I'll leave it at that.

So we'll see. I know I've followed the plan and have counted EVERY point I've eaten. And honestly....I lost weight!! Just because it wasn't as much as I wanted to lose does not mean I'm not moving in the right direction.

Moving on.....
Saving money for Disney has been a huge success this week, do in large part to the fact that we finally got around to celebrating my husband's birthday with his family. Not every week will contain that kind of jump that this one did. This week, we added:

-$25.70 that I cashed out from one of my survey sites (SurveyHead)
-$60.50 from "found" checks that I blogged about last week
-$4 given to my kiddos for the fund from their Auntie Reen and their Papa (my Dad)
-$75 in Disney gift cards from Mark's mom

This puts us at the amount saved for Disney a grand total of: $309.20!!!

That number makes me a lot happier than my weight loss number. Honestly, though....both numbers are moving in the right direction and THAT'S what I need to focus on!!!

Enjoy your Monday, friends! I'll be back tomorrow with a post about survey sites! Right now I'm off to Wii Fit!

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